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corporate sessions



To motivate, enlighten, & inspire companies and individuals to prioritize well-being through the transformative power of sound medicine.
My signature sound experience provides a multi-sensorial and fully immersive sound meditation experience for optimal healing and rejuvenation.
The experience is catered to each specific client depending on their goals – whether it be relaxation, stress-release, creativity enhancement, or something else. I begin each experience by cleansing the space with your choice of palo santo, sage, or essential oils (optional).
Then I begin the healing session with a wide variety of instruments that include gongs, alchemy & crystal bowls, Tibetan bowls, ocean drums, rain sticks, shakers, hand drums, water & earth chimes, flow chimes and more.
The process is simple: you slow your breath, connect with your inner world, immerse yourself in the healing sounds of the instruments, and then enjoy the benefits as you return to daily life.
It is no secret that employee health & happiness play a direct role in company success. Employee wellness is vital in creating an engaged workplace where employees are motivated, productive, inspired, focused, and efficient.

Connect with your team by creating a bespoke professional sound healing experience that will help reduce stress & anxiety, increase creativity, prevent burnout, facilitate team building & connection, improve company culture, & enhance sleep quality. Whether you are looking for an afternoon of relaxation for your team or are interested in creating an off-site or retreat, we are here to assist. In tandem we also offer custom corporate wellness branding packages so your employees can enjoy the benefits of the experience long after the event.
I can use breath work, meditation, energy healing, along with sound therapy.
I work with the client to meet your needs.
Please contact us for a quote

*Prices vary depending on the location and size of the group

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